Unscrambling & Orienting Solutions for Condiment Bottles & Jars
Pace has over 250 Omni-Line and Combo-Line unscrambling and orienting systems running in condiment and food plants around the world.
They are operated by over 200 different customers ranging from the largest global brands to single location producers or private label co-packers.
The most popular plastic bottles and jars for condiments and foods are PET, HDPE and PP rounds, ovals, squares, rectangles, and squeezables. Our systems unscramble and/or orient containers for mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, BBQ sauces, marinades, salad dressings, chili pastes, and hot sauces.
Condiment bottles and jars unscrambled and/or oriented on Pace bottle unscrambler equipment commonly range in size from 150mL (5.0 oz.) to 1L (33.8 oz.), with and without handles.